Farm, where you learn English |

Welcome to our family farm
Terra Farma

Our Team

Ing. Vaclav Travnicek

is Czech and is fluent in both Czech and English. Vaclav is a skilled tradesman: from design to execution. Although working in wood is his preference. Vaclav can also be found in the kitchen, as he is not only the farm handy man, but an accomplished cook! From animal processing, to making bread, to fixing fences, Vaclav is able to do it all. With his gifts and talents, he is a natural teacher and able to break down learning into essential steps to allow students to be successful in acquiring new skills.

Ma. Bethany Staneland

Is a Canadian and a native English speaker who moved to the Czech Republic with her husband, Vaclav Travnicek in 2012. She teaches English and farms. She has earned a Masters in Leadership from Royal Roads University and has been teaching youth-oriented English since 2010. With personal interests in: farming, heritage crafts and sustainable living, running an experiential learning center is a natural fit for her. Bethany has been a teacher of the English language for the last four years with Canadian immigrants and currently with Czech students.


Jeden týden na Terra Farmě

One Week on TerraFarma where you learn English and try to feed our animals - Open farm day

Open Farm Day

Would you like to see our farm? You can come 8.5.2020 from 13:30 to 17:00